Displaying & Animating Source Code

Compose-Ur-Pres provides additional utilities to display and animate source code. To access them, you need to add the following dependency in your presentation’s build.gradle.kts:

  • CuP Plugin

  • Regular Gradle

kotlin {
    sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies {
kotlin {
    sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies {
Source Coloring is provided by highlight.js, which is either run inside a dedicated runtime when targeting the JVM, or directly in the browser when targeting Wasm.

Displaying static source code

To display static source code, you should use the SourceCode composable, with the rememberSourceCode function, in a PreparedSlide:

val amazingHtml by PreparedSlide {

    val sourceCode = rememberSourceCode(language = "html") {
        // language=html (1)
            <p>This is <b>Amazing!</b></p>

    slideContent {

The reason you need to use PreparedSlide is because to color your code, highlight.js needs to load and then to parse your string. As this can take some time, this should be done when the presentation starts, not when the slide is displayed.

Theming & coloring your sources

The SourceCode composable takes two parameters that define how the source code text is displayed and colored.

  • The style: TextStyle parameter defines the default TextStyle of the text. It should be mainly used to define the font family, the font size, and the default text color.

  • The theme: SourceCodeTheme parameter defines the style and color of each section of your code. A SourceCodeTheme is a function that associates a SpanStyle to a class of section detected by highlight.js. Think of a CSS, but in Kotlin.
    CuP provides two themes out of the box: SourceCodeThemes.intelliJLight and SourceCodeThemes.darcula. To create your own SourceCodeTheme, have a look at their sources.

    sourceCode = sourceCode,
    style = TextStyle(fontFamily = JetBrainsMono),
    theme = SourceCodeThemes.darcula

Animating sections

Markers & animations

To animate sections of your code, create markers that defines when these portions are visible:

val sourceCode = rememberSourceCode(language = "html") {
    val bad by marker(onlyShown(0)) (1)
    val good by marker(hidden(0)) (2)
    val second by marker(hidden(0..1)) (3)
    val bold by marker(highlighted(3)) (4)

    // language=html
            This is ${bad}freaking${X}${good}really${X}
        ${second}    ${bold}<b>${X}Amazing!${bold}</b>${X}${X}
1 Sections defined by this "bad" marker will be visible on step 0, and hidden every other steps
2 Sections defined by this "good" marker will be hidden on step 0, and visible every other steps
3 Sections defined by this "second" marker will be hidden on steps 0 to 1, and visible every other steps.
4 Sections defined by this "bold" marker will be highlighted on step 2.

To define a section in your string, start it with ${marker} and end it with ${X}.

A marker can be used multiple times to define multiple sections that are animated similarly.
A section can be contained inside another section.

A marker can be given multiple states:

val m by marker(hidden(0), highlighted(2))

Debuging your sections

You can display your source code with all of your sections visually framed, which will allow you to visually understand how your sections are defined. Give a SourceCodeDebugColors to the debug parameter of the SourceCode function:

    sourceCode = sourceCode,
    debug = SourceCodeDebugColors(),


You then need to pass the current step to SourceCode:

    sourceCode = sourceCode,
    step = step,

If your Slide’s step is different from your SourceCode’s step, because you are animating elements in your slides before and/or after your source code animation, you can manipulate the step passed to SourceCode:

For example, if your slide has 8 steps, your source code 3, and the source code animation happens from slide step 2 to 5:

    sourceCode = sourceCode,
    step = (step - 2).coerceIn(0..3),

Sections constraints

Sections defined by markers must either be inside a single line, or include the totality of one or more lines.

Here are some INVALID sections:

    This is a first ${foo}line. (1)
    This${X} is a second line.
        ${bar}This is a third line with an indent. (2)
        This is a fourth line with an indent.${X}
1 foo is invalid because it spans over the first and second lines but does not contain their totality.
2 bar is invalid because it spans over the third and fourth lines, but does not contain the third line in its totality as it does not include its indentation spaces.

Here are the same sections, but CORRECT:

    This is a first ${foo}line.${X} (1)
    ${foo}This${X} is a second line.
    ${bar}    This is a third line with an indent. (2)
        This is a fourth line with an indent.${X}
1 foo is used to declare two sections, that are each inside their single lines.
2 bar contains the totality of both the third and fourth lines, including their indentation spaces.
  • Sections that are inside a line appear and disappear horizontally (inside the line, between the previous and next characters).

  • Sections that contain the totality of one or more lines appear and disappear vertically (between the previous and next lines).

Applying additional styles

In addition to visibility (with hidden and onlyShown) and highlighting (with highlighted), CuP Source Code Animations supports additional styling with SAStyle.

CuP provides the SAStyle.Line function that creates a SAStyle that draws a line of a given color:

  • Either under the text, behind it (underline), or over the text crossing it (line-through).

  • Either straight, or squiggled.

For example, to add a marker that will animate its sections with a red squiggled underline (which traditionally shows an error):

val errorStyle = SAStyle.line(Color.Red, squiggle = true, through = false)

val error by marker(marker(styled(errorStyle, 1..3))) (1)
1 Will show the red squiggled underline from step 1 to step 3.

You can create your own styles by implementing the SAStyle interface:

interface SAStyle {
    fun spanStyle(): SpanStyle = SpanStyle()
    fun DrawScope.drawBehind(rect: Rect, fraction: Float) {}
    fun DrawScope.drawOver(rect: Rect, fraction: Float) {}